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28 Day FOOD PLANS by rob

Food plans for 

This is not
a one off diet

SIGN UP NOW - and start your plan in 48 hours

Food Preparation

For the next four weeks this book will be your bible. It will help you grasp the world of healthy eating and give you lots of ideas, recipes and results. In case you didn’t know, nutrition will count for about 80% of your progress. That’s right 80%! 


Why did I create this book?

For years now I have worked with adults and children trying to improve their health, nutrition, fitness and wellbeing. 


I’ve sat for hours working out clients calorie intake, macros, micro nutrients and tried to answer hundreds of questions from people struggling for recipe ideas and food plans. 


It’s so difficult to motivate people when they don’t see results after working so hard on their fitness. This can all be prevented by preparation, planning and consistency of their diet.


I’m pleased to say this book has been created to give the power of knowledge to you, with this you can understand nutrition, change your diet and hit your goals. If you’re reading this you have already taken the first step to a make a positive change in your life. 


Having said all this, I’m still here to support you and happy to answer any questions that you may have. 

Food Photographer

Request a call back today, at a time that works for you.

Thanks, I will call you back then.


  • Know how much food to eat everyday to guarantee you hit your Target


  • Eat foods that you LOVE and eat more 


  • Sleep easier and better 


  • Reduce your stress levels and improve your mindset 


Create a better environment for your family


  • Be encouraged to move more with daily step targets 


  • Create a plan based on your preferences 


  • Use scientifically proven

       workouts that promote fat loss 


  • Become stronger and fitter 


  • Dont worry, we can help you no matter what your fitness levels maybe 


  • Help understand why you are where you are now 


  • Build a better relationship with yourself and your food 


  • Create a better environment and mindset so you can achieve your goals 


  • Support from us is guaranteed. 


  • Support from the group


  • Be involved with a motivational movement 


  • Start smiling and loving yourself 

NEVER diet again

Using a Touch Phone


Contact Rob on 07932 599826 

SIGN UP NOW - and start your plan in 48 hours

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